Several months ago, I was asked by Johanna Heller for permission to publish my prison nursery portraits in Hebammenforum, a monthly magazine for midwives in Germany. Ms. Heller, a midwife and journalist, would write an article about the program.
After I checked on the authenticity of the journal, I was happy to contribute to this important and rarely discussed social issue. I had volunteered to do photography at the prison nursery for 16 years, determined to educate the public about the importance of such programs. I have been a strong advocate that this vulnerable population of mothers and babies be treated humanely during their prison sentences, stressing the importance of healthy attachment especially considering the prison sentences of these mothers is fewer than two and a half years. Otherwise, the babies would be reunited with their mothers after a prolonged separation at a neurologically important time for both. I hoped that the jounalist’s article would spark interest and discussion amongst colleagues far across the world from Washington State.
The journal came out in printed form in April 2024. One of my portraits was on the cover! Although I have taken many images of the mothers expressing joy and love, the 3 that were printed out of the 16 submitted showed despondency. But I still feel gratified that my long years of work on this project is still circulating.
Hebammenforum cover, April 2024